How to change skype settings to default
How to change skype settings to default

Here you can choose who gets to be a presenter in your meeting. Select:Ĭallers get in directly to have people who call in with a phone get connected automatically.Īnnounce when people enter or leave to play, for everyone, the names of people as they come and go. Notes: If your account allows you to create meeting requests that include call-in details, don’t forget to also set options for people who call in. You’re inviting outside participants, and you’re not discussing confidential information. You don’t have external participants and you are not discussing confidential information.Īnyone who has access to the meeting link gets in to the meeting directly. You’re discussing confidential information and want to allow only specific people to join.Īnyone from your organization can get in to the meeting directly, even if not invited. Everyone else has to wait until admitted. Only people who were invited to the meeting join the meeting directly.

how to change skype settings to default

You have a high security meeting and confidential information. You are the only one who gets into the meeting directly. If you have people wait, when the meeting starts, you’ll see a list of people who are waiting and can grant or deny access. You decide who gets into the meeting directly and who has to wait for you to let them in.

how to change skype settings to default

These people don’t have to wait in the lobby Tip: Regardless of whether you use Outlook, if you’re a presenter in a meeting, you can change some options for that meeting, such as whether video is enabled and who is a presenter, during the meeting by clicking the people icon, in the meeting window, and then using the options on the Participants and Actions tabs.

How to change skype settings to default